On this Sunday, I (Pastor John) am away on vacation. So for this week’s sermon, you have a special treat. Our Lay Leader Craig will be preaching in my absence. Enjoy.
Sermon: “Forks in the Road”
Scripture: Matthew 7:13-14 and other selected verses
Audio MP3 file – DownloadOR use player below to listen:
This Sunday, June 23, 2024, is our annual VBS Sunday (Vacation Bible School) celebration. Our children will be leading in worship and bringing the message though what they had learned during the past week. Therefore, I will not be preaching, and I will not be uploading a sermon.
HOWEVER, I am providing a YouTube Video, titled, “Revival Hymn.” This has been around on the internet for many years now in various forms. It is a POWERFUL compilation of some of the most powerful preachers of the last century. It speaks of what a true Christian faith looks like in the life of a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. It speaks of what true revival looks like in the church, in our communities and in the heart of an individual person. I challenge you to watch and listen with your heart, to the end. God Bless, . . . Pastor John.
Bulletin: (For Lowville Living Water Worship Service) Download