What we offer
Above and before all else, Lowville Living Water Church offers Jesus Christ. Secondly, we offer you a family of believers in Jesus in which you are most welcome to become a part, and in which you may sink down your roots and grow in your faith. We will love you. We strive to be a church family that is Christ centered, others oriented, biblically based and spirit filled. Although we are flawed, we are a people who are growing to become a little more like Jesus each
day, than we were the day before.
Sunday Worship includes the singing of the great hymns of the church as well as contemporary praise and worship. Our time of worship includes a heavy emphasis on heartfelt fervent prayer, as well as biblically based expository preaching. Our building is open for Sunday morning worship, as well as worship by livestream via Zoom and a short pre-recorded version on this website. Sunday School is offered Fall through Spring, as well as childcare and children’s church during worship.
A Wednesday evening bible study is offered Fall through Spring. Tag-along with the praise team in praising the Lord during Thursday praise team practices and/or the prayer meeitng which follows.
During Fall through Spring, a once-a-month Friday Night Dinner and a Christian Movie are normally offered. There are also fellowship opportunities of different kinds for persons of different ages and situations offered throughout the year. There are opportunities to be involved in different types of mission and evangelism outreach as well (including but not limited to Lowville Food Pantry, Erie County Fair Evangelism Tent Ministry, VBS, Health Kits, Operation Christmas Child. Paper Angel Christmas Gifts, and more).
Contact Us for more information.