If you are searching for a family of God that is real and authentic, if you are searching for a place to grow in your faith in God, and to experience the healing touch and the life giving mercy and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and if you live anywhere near Lowville Pennsylvania, then we have a place waiting for you. We welcome and invite you to come worship the Lord Jesus Christ with us. Jesus loves you so very much, and he has placed a love in our hearts for you as well. Come see us soon. Or if you live far away and just happened to stumble upon this website, join us by listening in on the posted sermons. Jesus Christ, God the Son, came to save your soul, give you life, abundant and eternal life, if you would but give Him your heart and place your faith in Him.
God Bless You, . . . Pastor John
- Sundays 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Sunday School
- Sundays 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM (on summer break)
Other Faith Building Opportunities
- Weekly 7:00 PM Wednesday Bible Study (Zoom Video Conf. only, on summer break)
- Weekly 6:45 PM Thursday Praise and Prayer (Sing with the praise team as they practice followed by a prayer meeting)
- Bi-Monthly 6:30 PM Friday Night Dinner and a Christian Movie (Fall, Winter and Spring)